Common Elements

All of the common elements used within this specification are described in this Document. Common elements include the data types, and their properties used in this specificaiton.


All the variables in the specification will have a cardinality. The cardinality attribute defines the number of values allowed for the variable and whether the variables are ordered.

Supported types of cardinality are:

  • single: only one value is allowed for the variable

  • multiple: one or more values are allowed for the variable

  • ordered: ordered list of values are allowed for the variable

Data Types


String data types should be used to represent string literal values.


Integer data types should be used to represent numbers without a fractional part.


Float data types should be used to represent numbers with a fractional part.


Boolean data types should be used to represent values with two states: true or false.


URI data types should be used to represent Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference values.


Map data type should be used for variables whose values are key-value pairs. Map is a non-primitive data type with the following attributes.


Coordinate data type should be used to represent coordinates (x and y) of a single point in a canvas.


Points data type should be used for variables whose values represent an area on a canvas. Points are made up of a shape and the coordinates that define the boundary of the area.


Media data type should be used for representing a single media file. Media are re-usable to create assets which are used in questions and/or tests.

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